Men Without Ear by Ifeoma Okoye
The story centres on Uloko and his brother Chigo. Chigo leads his childhood in Tanzania where his father had worked for years before returning to Nigeria. When he comes back to Nigerian to take up a job, he is not able to cope with the kinds of Uloko all around him. Uloko does much to introduce him to such exorbitant life style but he would not be bought over. Chigo and his father do all they can to stop Uloko from continuing with the greedy and wasteful pattern of life, but their effort does not yield any desired result.
Uloko on the other hand loves to live above his earnings in order to be envied by other people especially the poor people in the community. His father always warns that this attitude could lead him unto destruction, but he would not listen. Eventually, he gets himself involved in ritually killing which does not succeed. He is not able to bear the shame that causes him to have heart attack that eventually leads to his death.